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Land Development Management 



Throughout the Pre-Development and Due Diligence stage we look at assembling all the background data, servicing issues, opportunities and constraints mapping, land uses, vision and preliminary cost analysis prior to developing a proof of concept.  New Urban Design Group manages the professional activities and consultant groups that may be necessary to make informed decisions prior to land development.  

New Urban Design Group typically manages and leads the following professional activities mostly in house as part of the Pre Development and Due Diligence Phase.


  1. Assembling all background data and where necessary start to assemble the Professional Consultant/Development Team Depending on the location and size of the project NUDG will manage and undertake select activities in house where possible to save time and money.   

  2. Technical Due Diligence - Environmental, Engineering, Legal and Technical 

  3. Planning Vision Feasibility Overview 

  4. Pre Sales Analysis / Market Research 

  5. Preliminary Construction/Servicing Cost Estimates

  6. Preliminary Development Pro Forma

  7. Business Plan & Investment Overview  


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