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"We work Land to dramatically increase development profitability through our proven design and development strategies". 

Land Development Management

Master Planning & Urban Design

Building Design

Operations & Marketing

We engage in a wholistic approach to traditional town planning as embodied within the Charter of the New Urbanism. Combining our root skills in Architectural design and Town planning, we employ a demonstrated understanding of Urban Development, the Regulatory Environment, and the Triple Bottom Line of Sustainability.

"We are committed to the creation of humanly scaled cities, towns, and neighbourhoods through our imaginative and integrative approach to town planning and land development".

Some of our Core Master Planning and Urban Design Services Include:
  • Master Planning & Regional Planning

  • Urban Design (Organic town planning inspired by Medieval Town Planning principles)

  • Design/Build Development Strategies

  • Agricultural / Agrarian Urban Development Strategies

  • Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

  • Traditional Neighbourhood Development (TND)

  • Mixed Use Development 

  • Regional Planning

  • Sustainable Development Initiatives

  • Rural Town Planning

  • Redevelopment and Revitalization 

  • Resort Town Planning

  • Smart Code / Form Based Codes

  • Detailed Urban Design and Public Space Design

  • Urban and Architectural Codes and Guidelines 

  • Planning Approvals & Charrette and Workshop Facilitation

  • Land Development

  • Land Development Management & Coordination


Master Planning home

We see each Building as a "Building in Context".  We believe Buildings have a distinct hierarchy and if placed together are compatible in size, architectural language and siting.  They are the ultimate embodiment of the Vision and Character of the Development and are an integral part of the land development process. 

"We take great care in the design for each building and typically design and manage the architectural guidelines for each project.  In addition to our selective design of certain buildings within each development, we work with a variety of architects and production firms to ensure a cohesive outcome.  

The following are sample buildings designed by New Urban Design Group ranging from Single Family to Mixed Use and Multi Family:




More than just the name implies, New Urban Design Group develops and manages various land development projects ranging from small Infill sites upwards to large scale Master Planned Developments, Commercial Real Estate, Resort and Mixed Use Development Projects.  

We act as both the Design Visionary and Master Developer throughout the entire development process from start to finish.  As the "Keepers of the Plan" we are able to ensure the original vision is never compromised throughout the design, approval, marketing and land development phases.  

The key Phases throughout the entire Land Development Process are: 

Stage 1: Pre-Development

Stage 2: Master Planning & Urban Design

Stage 3: Project Feasibility

Stage 4: Approval Facilitation

Stage 5: Construction & Building

Stage 6: Marketing & Sales

Land Dev



Marketing and Sales is one of the most important part of the development process as it plays a key role in gathering initial Investors, conveying the Vision, and ultimately driving Sales toward the end user.  Our comprehensive marketing approach includes working with strategic marketing partner agencies and sales people.  

As the Design Visionary and Master Developer we compile the marketing vision with strategic marketing agencies and educate sales people through the entire development process from start to finish.  As the "Keepers of the Plan" we make every effort to ensure the original vision is never compromised throughout the marketing and sales process.  


We believe pictures are worth 10,000 words and as such place a great deal of emphasis on the visual representation of the project throughout the marketing process. 

© 2017 New Urban Design Group    

Calgary Head Office: 1.403.607.0977

Europe Affiliate Office: +41.78.966.7687

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